Call 999 in an emergency. Bleeding a lot, chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.
If it is not an emergency, please dial 111.
During surgery hours an emergency is a medical problem that needs attention within 30 minutes. After hours it is a medical problem that cannot wait until the surgery opens.
Out of Hours Service Telephone 111
For minor ailments that cannot wait until the surgery reopens, please telephone 111, where professional staff will be able to direct you to local out-of-hours centres for treatment.
Evenings and Weekends Telephone 111
North Durham CCG offers patients registered with our practice a full out-of-hours service when our practice is closed. This service is for urgent medical situations; for example, if you, or a member of your family, become ill and you are concerned. It is not for routine enquiries, such as booking an appointment with your GP, repeat prescriptions, test results etc.
If you are calling on behalf of someone else please have relevant information available, such as:
- Full name
- Address
- Date of birth
- Current medication
- Name of their GP.
If considered necessary you will be referred to a duty Doctor or Nurse Practitioner who will contact you and, either give further telephone advice, or ask you to attend a local centre or in appropriate circumstances visit you at home.
Please do not ask to see a doctor out of hours unless you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.