Nurse Practitioners
Nurse Practitioners can treat you for:
- Acute back pain, joint sprains
- Acute chest infection, asthma or COPD
- Anxiety and depression
- Conjunctivitis, sticky discharging eye, sty, eye infections/allergies
- Cystitis
- Diarrhoea, constipation, piles
- Dizziness, giddiness, unusual headache
- Earache, swollen glands
- Oral thrush
- Raised temperature that does not improve after pharmacists’ advice and home treatment.
- Rashes
- Shingles
- Tonsillitis, cough, sinusitis, sore throat, colds and flu-like illnesses.
- (Please note: a cough may persist for up to three or four weeks after other cold/flu symptoms have gone.)
- Urinary tract infections, Vaginal thrush, soreness, lump or discharge
- Vomiting
- Wounds, scalds, burns, rashes Nurse practitioners may also help you with
- Many other problems such as menstrual disorders, unexplained weight loss, breast lumps, sexual health advice, depression, change of contraception method and pill and HRT.
- Nurse Practitioners also manage long term conditions such as asthma, eczema, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, raised cholesterol levels, diabetes, epilepsy and respiratory disease.